Our mission is to reduce human and economic damage caused by pathogens
We are working to make the world economy resilient by enabling essential businesses to operate more safely under hazardous pathogen conditions.
Rapid In-Home Self-Test
Keeping worksites free from pathogen contamination requires quick and reliable identification of all virus carriers. Health screening surveys and temperature checks are ineffective in detecting the virus in far too many infected people, and so those are not reliable safeguards. Technician-administered tests, or lab-run tests are not scalable to the frequency of testing needed. Although those solutions are better than nothing, they will not prevent virus outbreaks.
The only solution that will keep a worksite safe is if all site visitors are able to quickly, easily, and reliably test themselves for pathogens extremely frequently (ideally daily).
This is not an easy approach from a technical or logistical standpoint, and it will required new testing technology, manufacturing at extremely high scale, and secure, scalable management systems. However, it is the necessary solution and so must be done.

Responding with Action
ClearSite was founded in response to the global pandemic and the need for coordinated and effective government and private industry response to put measures in place to make essential worksites safe enough to stay open without essential workers paying too high a price. The real damage caused by essential workers continuing to work without adequate protections, the psychological stress to everyone caused by shelter in place orders, and the significant risk to the economy require immediate innovation and action!
We are building a team that believes the global tech community must prioritize developing hardware and software solutions to protect essential front-line workers while opening up as much of the economy as possible. This requires focus on solving the kinds of hard problems that affect people who work in person, in the real world.
These types of efforts, focussed on production facilities and blue-collar workers, haven't historically attracted tech talent and funding. However, at this moment, there is nothing more important for tech talent and funding to be applied to.

Under Development
Pathogen Testing Technology and Worksite Management Platform
ClearSite provides companies with key technology, planning, procedures, assessment, and operational support to improve workplace safety by screening for viruses during a pandemic

Worksite Access
Practical high-frequency pathogen screening tests integrated with HRIS and building access systems
Worksite Management
Environmental virus testing, cleaning and maintenance tracking, and incident management

Operational and Policy Consulting
Advising on the establishment of safety programs, PPE, employee agreements, insurance issues, and legal liability and compliance
Incident Response
Managing response to positive tests to identify potential transmission history
Pathogens are Hazardous Materials and Companies Must Manage Hazardous Materials In the Workplace
Private companies have been slow to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus as a hazardous material that must be managed effectively to keep it out of worksites. Even before this pandemic, private companies have accepted the economic losses associated with the flu virus every year by not taking steps to keep the flu out of their worksites.
In fairness, technology has not caught up to where we need to be. To open back up, private companies will need to adopt monitoring and mitigation programs that treat the virus like the deadly pathogen it is. Government has a role to play in creating workplace safety standards, but ultimately the job of testing and protecting workers is too big for government and must be the responsibility of employers who require workers to perform work at their sites.
At ClearSite, we are developing a biological screening tool that will enable companies to identify people who are likely carrying a virus, and enable companies to manage access to their worksites based on this screening information. This is not meant to be a medical examination or do anything more than identify the likely presence of a hazardous material within a person to prevent them from carrying it onto a worksite.
Private/Public Partnership
Developing and maintaining an open partnership with public health and occupational safety officials is essential in minimizing down-time due to community spread or worksite infection incidents. By bringing better testing technology to the table, private companies position themselves to overcome government concerns over opening businesses.

“We are at a time when the tech leaders of the world (and especially Silicon Valley) must focus on applying their best and brightest minds to the task of protecting our essential workers and carefully restarting our economic engine. The problem is too big to leave to someone else.”
By: Our Collective Conscience